
Eye Drops & Lubricants | Bepanthene Eye Drops, 10Ml

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Description Bepanthene Eye Drops combine0.15% sodium hyaluronateto stabilize the tear film and2% de…


Bepanthene Eye Drops combine0.15% sodium hyaluronateto stabilize the tear film and2% dexpanthenolfor nourishment and soothing, they create a transparent protective film on the cornea.They provide long-term relief in cases ofmechanical stress(use of hard or soft contact lenses or ophthalmic diagnostic procedures),environmental stress(air conditioning, air, cold, dryness or air polluted by cigarettes),visual stressorfatigue(long car driving , computer monitor).Suitable for contact lens users. The lenses do not need to be removed when applying the drops.


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